500 Words #28-
So Many Words

Chef, Author, and Percussionist Alan Lake
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Chef/percussionist/writer/reprobate and lover of all things beautiful & delicious, Chef Alan Lake’s culinary career includes East Bank Club in Chicago; Sunset Marquis in W. Hollywood; Izakaya Hiwatta in Ichinomia Japan and legendary nightclub Purpur in Zurich, Switzerland. Working all around the world for over four decades, he's won numerous awards, professional competitions and distinctions. He’s the author of Home Cookin'- The Stories Behind The Food and The Garlic Manifesto- the history of garlic going back to 10,000-year-old Neolithic caves and contains facts, fiction, folklore, myths and legends (besides 100 recipes).

A lifelong musician that plays 70+ percussion instruments, he coined the term “Jazzfood” to describe his cooking style i.e. “solid technique coupled with tasteful improvisation.” He views his food as he does his music and writing and has been known to bust a pout if subpar in any way.

6 thoughts on “500 Words #28-
So Many Words

  1. Melissa G Wilson

    There is no substitute for showing up.”

    Alan through your writings you sprinkle your stories with rich metaphors. Great job here. Your writings also get me thinking and then inspired to get more of my books finished instead of languishing on one of my digital shelves somewhere.

    1. Lynn E. Miller

      Thanks for sharing these great examples of where to find inspiration Alan.
      My favorite quote is, “If you’re a writer, reading voraciously is practice. Seeing how others tell tales and what methods they use benefits your own work. If you’re a musician, listening to a brilliant concert is always inspirational. ”

      My favorite source of inspiration is watching professional tennis. It’s a magic combination of mindset, movement, practice, psychology, and being adaptive.
      All of these attributes are critical to asking insightful questions that lead to responses and compelling stories that draw the reader in and become more curious.

      1. alan lake

        whatever works. there’s many similarities in different disciplines that are equally applicable. I cook because it reminds me of music, and for that matter cook better when i’m listening to it. i have a client that likes silence and would look miffed when she came in the kitchen… until i told her that.

  2. Diana

    Making me think about what creative endeavors I need to get back into!! Thanks for inspiring!


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