500 words #11

Solar Eclipse Totality
Chef, Author, and Percussionist Alan Lake
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Chef/percussionist/writer/reprobate and lover of all things beautiful & delicious, Chef Alan Lake’s culinary career includes East Bank Club in Chicago; Sunset Marquis in W. Hollywood; Izakaya Hiwatta in Ichinomia Japan and legendary nightclub Purpur in Zurich, Switzerland. Working all around the world for over four decades, he's won numerous awards, professional competitions and distinctions. He’s the author of Home Cookin'- The Stories Behind The Food and The Garlic Manifesto- the history of garlic going back to 10,000-year-old Neolithic caves and contains facts, fiction, folklore, myths and legends (besides 100 recipes).

A lifelong musician that plays 70+ percussion instruments, he coined the term “Jazzfood” to describe his cooking style i.e. “solid technique coupled with tasteful improvisation.” He views his food as he does his music and writing and has been known to bust a pout if subpar in any way.

6 thoughts on “500 words #11

  1. Brockie Hall

    Incredible, insane story.! It’s so difficult to comprehend. This young man is so brave. I pray we can get his family united with him.
    Thanks for sharing this incredible story.

    1. alan lake

      this is just a teaser for the the blog. when i write the full profile i can only hope to do him justice and that he and his family are reunited.

  2. Joanne

    I have the pleasure of knowing Hacen, who is one of the warmest, most gentle people I know. I, too, will help Hacen in any way I can!

  3. Curtis Cohn

    I cannot wait to meet the man, A. What a sad history, a terrible living environment and yet a story of hope, strength and commitment, things every human needs. Thank you for posting this. O

    1. Joanne

      Hi Curtis, If you want to meet him and see how we have been helping him at Literacy Chicago, please let me know!
      write to me at [email protected]

  4. Melissa G Wilson

    What a wonderful story. I now see why were teared up sharing an overview in our authors’ support group. Thanks so much!


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