A year in writing 500 Words very close to weekly, this is a perfect time to reflect. After the disk issues I’ve battled over the last couple months I’m feeling better and ready to recommit to publishing my manuscripts. Hard to stay in the game when you’re as out of it as I was. Add to it that in many industries very little happens over the holidays.
Tag: publishing
500 Words (on publishing except when it isn’t and this wk it’s not) #41 Eyes Don’t Lie
On November 5th Donald J. Trump- traitor, sociopath, felon, rapist and racist (for starters) was reelected with the help of propaganda (both domestic and foreign) and an electorate that cares more about the price of eggs than democracy.
500 words #35- Better Off Than You Were
A little bit here and then a little more in time turns into something sizable. I’ve found it true in recording studios and restaurants and is the same in writing. Slowly building and achieving anything inch by inch is an arduous task often filled with doubt. The tenacity it takes for any project to come to fruition is a test of attrition. Success happens for those who don’t give up. So we muddle through misinformation, detour around obstacles and gather new insights-both how to and how not to, and when you look you see progress.
500 Words #34 – Machinations of Marketing
Some parts of the DIY method of publishing or making records are fun. Creating the content for one. I also enjoy conceptualizing and choosing the artwork for the covers. Marketing I fucking hate. Approached in need but with little knowledge, social media platforms can eat you up and spread you so thinly that you don’t do any of them justice.
500 Words #30 – Give Me Some 1
Proofreading 277 pages of publication formatted manuscript (one of three no longer residing only in my computer monitor and undergoing similar treatment) was not how I thought I’d spend my week. Checking spacing and spelling and making last minute edits as per norm- they’re being prepared for publication because a friend likes my writing and made it happen as a gift.
500 Words #29- Punk Publishing
Doing record sessions in LA we knew hits relied on multiple things and that talent was only 1 of the notes needed to strike the chord. Luck, connections and marketing abilities also come into play- things creators often lack (I know I do). Established artists have infrastructure in place doing it for them i.e. a record company.
500 Words #28- So Many Words
I saw a comedian complaining about reading books. How there’s so many words page after page without a few blank ones in between so you can rest… but no, the words just keep coming. It was very funny and led me to consider how much worse it is writing them, in this case, 500 a week.
500 Words #26- You’ve Come A Long Way Baby
At the beginning of the year this blog ostensibly on my publishing quest (now expanded) didn’t exist. Efforts regarding my manuscript Home Cookin’- The Stories Behind The Food were suspended in amber. It was my first client/now friend Melissa who suggested that stories are more like evergreens- and like good songs, have no expiration date.
500 Words #17-
A Week In The Life
As a pleasure glutton that prefers collecting experiences over objects,
the Great Wall of China or sipping vintage port overlooking the Douro Valley wins over a Rolex or designer clothes. The rich tapestry that informs who I am over what I have gives me the mindset to draw upon as life enfolds.
500 Words #16 –
Keep On Keepin’ On
The last one was filled with unpleasantries. A couple deaths, a doctor’s appointment I unnecessarily feared, a friend’s bad diagnosis, an insulting and dismissive business decision directed at someone I love.