The thought of working extended periods of time out of town haslost its appeal and the day to day reality of running restaurants,hotels or theaters is not one I’m interested in any longer. Notready to retire, in order to utilize 4+ decades of culinaryknowledge I write about food, and cooks in particular. Growing up in […]
Tag: writing
500 words #4-
500 words #3-
or what to do while
waiting for the muse
Since you can’t expect to see anything result wise 3 weeks in, let’s explore some fundamentals of marketing a brand in order to be ready if and when the muse shows up. It’s necessary to define your identity and purpose. Style elements, images, tag lines, websites, and social media are all part of that. For […]
500 words #2:
con·tent2 /ˈkäntent/ noun noun: content An idea that turns into substance is content, and that would be me. Be it on the page or in a restaurant or recording studio… I’ve got plenty of ideas, leading to lots of content. 3 completed manuscripts and 50 feature articles, hundreds of songs written and produced with my […]
500 Words –
a Home Cookin’ Publishing Quest
Having Phoenix’ed from the ashes a few times, that’s not me isn’t me anymore so imma gonna do something I haven’t. Do what a friend suggests and step outside my comfort zone with no excuses no regrets. 500 words. That’s the length the algorithms and bots like. Hopefully same with you. Consistency too. Makes you […]