Tag: international food stories

500 Words #24
An Audience Of One

Spent the better part of the week researching and editing a new Home Cookin’ profile I’m doing in order to finish the first draft. Hacen is the first subject in years that’s compelled me to write a new profile (with 20 others in the can). As a result I’ve been doing a deep dive into the Northwest Saharan African country of Mauritania where my subject escaped because hereditary racial slavery is still current events there as opposed to mainly legacy as it is here.

500 words #23 –
The Storyteller

Transcribing recent interviews for the most powerful piece I’ve written for Home Cookin’- The Stories Behind The Food, my POV should be noted.

Storytellers relate anecdotes and recite tales and their narration makes the audience identify with scenarios and characters. Creativity, humor, timing and merciless editing (aka “killing your darlings”) are important skills to possess. AKA chronicler, fabulator, raconteur, griot, spinner of yarns or anecdotist.

500 words #15 –
You Never Lose
When You Invest
In Yourself

On another note, the subject of what I believe will be among the most remarkable profiles I’ve written resurfaced and we’ve made arrangements to cook together next week so we can document his recipes.

This works twofold as it offers a relaxed environment for filling in the blanks of our initial interview. There’s always follow up questions and being in the same room cooking with guard down is often better than emailed responses to questions asked.