Tag: cooking and life

500 words #23 –
The Storyteller

Transcribing recent interviews for the most powerful piece I’ve written for Home Cookin’- The Stories Behind The Food, my POV should be noted.

Storytellers relate anecdotes and recite tales and their narration makes the audience identify with scenarios and characters. Creativity, humor, timing and merciless editing (aka “killing your darlings”) are important skills to possess. AKA chronicler, fabulator, raconteur, griot, spinner of yarns or anecdotist.

500 Words #21-
That Time I Filled
A Bathtub With
Chocolate Mousse

Did my “influencer” dinner. They were lovely, appreciative and fun. It went well- but it was also arduous and turned into more than I bargained for. 8 courses became 2 menus filled with substitutions as vegans were in the house and it had to be soigné. Add some last minute menu requests, a 2nd floor load in with a heavy cooler and kitchen equipment, no (requested and agreed upon) parking spot, and a “do you mind if we go to the liquor store?” as I’m plating the amuse bouche…