In times like these, art (as per norm) couldn’t be more important. Take
this hot off the presses brilliant work by Kate Turner called “Your
Playground is Cursed.”

A similar vision came to mind when it was suggested that Gaza will be a real estate deal if DT gets his way. It would take a special kind of sociopath to sleep well in this graveyard. Presently the place is destroyed so relocating 2 million people and rebuilding an entire city is all you’d have to do for a timeshare atop a graveyard.
Shipping containers of perishable food are rotting on loading docks and medicines are sitting in warehouses because of funding freezes and staff upheavals. And speaking of staff upheavals, many of the workers are U.S. citizens that have been deployed and find themselves stranded in foreign countries with little or no money (or guidance) in getting home.
The era of soft influence that served America well is over.
Any 1 of our adversaries are ready to step in and fill our shoes, in turn making us less safe and secure. Europe is so alarmed that we’re not a reliable ally any longer that they’re meeting to control the damage as this is written. Doubt they’ll be sharing any pertinent intel soon. Even the Wall St. Journal says this new policy is “a historic mistake.”
How does withdrawing from the World Health Organization or Paris Accord do anything besides isolate and leave our seat at the table empty and voiceless? Calling climate change a hoax doesn’t make it any less true and betting they’re using more sandbags at Mar a Lago than they ever have.
He knows. He just doesn’t care.
What type of arrogance negotiates a peace plan without all concerned involved, one destined to fail as a result? How does becoming a pariah advance American causes?
It’s almost like that’s the plan, and the plan is a going out of business
Here at home, Pete Buttigieg said it best: “If you wanted to cut waste, fraud, and abuse, you would empower the inspectors general. If you wanted more waste, fraud, and abuse, you would fire them.”
Of course there’s ways to improve government oversight and spending. But the gutting of key departments and agencies like Education, Veterans Affairs, CDC, FAA, NOAA, National Nuclear Security Administration and Federal Election Monitors- done by unqualified agentbros isn’t the way. It leaves millions at risk and no doubt people will die because if you have Cancer, Alzheimers or ALS the funding has stopped.
And fwiw DEI is right speak for the N word, the same way “Soros” or
“globalist” means Jew.
I’m working out of town soon and flying Delta- a company that’s had several incidents and 2 plane crashes in just the last week and can recall when the skies were friendly, not scary.
Retaliating against science, the media and investigators is Fascism 101 and de’rigueur in the present administration. Donnie’s been taking lessons from Vlad, Victor and once resident nihilist Steve Bannon for years, and now with Musk funding it he’s sold us out to a wannabe Bond villain.

Post election I needed a few weeks for licking my wounds and pretty
much tuned out all news and it helped. Recharged, something is
percolating back to the surface. It’s not like I can stop any of the above
but I (as well as you) can do something by channeling outrage into
something positive. Anything to throw a kink in the armor and take
back the feeling of helplessness. As this article states “its never been
more important to stay tuned in.”
If you look at it from the perspective that he works for Russia it makes sense. I’d love to be wrong but believe he’s hollowing out the government and trying to cause a deliberate depression to crash the economy and overwhelm healthcare in order to declare martial law which he’d have a ball with.
Violence is never the answer so I choose art to retaliate. You feel
better and it may even do some good.
Stranger things have happened. I mean, just watch the news.
Chef/percussionist/writer/reprobate and lover of all things beautiful & delicious, Chef Alan Lake’s culinary career includes East Bank Club in Chicago; Sunset Marquis in W. Hollywood; Izakaya Hiwatta in Ichinomia Japan and legendary nightclub Purpur in Zurich, Switzerland. Working all around the world for over four decades, he's won numerous awards, professional competitions and distinctions. He’s the author of Home Cookin'- The Stories Behind The Food and The Garlic Manifesto- the history of garlic going back to 10,000-year-old Neolithic caves and contains facts, fiction, folklore, myths and legends (besides 100 recipes).
A lifelong musician that plays 70+ percussion instruments, he coined the term “Jazzfood” to describe his cooking style i.e. “solid technique coupled with tasteful improvisation.” He views his food as he does his music and writing and has been known to bust a pout if subpar in any way.