500 Words #24
An Audience Of One

The old typewriter with a blank sheet of paper
Chef, Author, and Percussionist Alan Lake
Alan Lake
Website | + posts

Chef/percussionist/writer/reprobate and lover of all things beautiful & delicious, Chef Alan Lake’s culinary career includes East Bank Club in Chicago; Sunset Marquis in W. Hollywood; Izakaya Hiwatta in Ichinomia Japan and legendary nightclub Purpur in Zurich, Switzerland. Working all around the world for over four decades, he's won numerous awards, professional competitions and distinctions. He’s the author of Home Cookin'- The Stories Behind The Food and The Garlic Manifesto- the history of garlic going back to 10,000-year-old Neolithic caves and contains facts, fiction, folklore, myths and legends (besides 100 recipes).

A lifelong musician that plays 70+ percussion instruments, he coined the term “Jazzfood” to describe his cooking style i.e. “solid technique coupled with tasteful improvisation.” He views his food as he does his music and writing and has been known to bust a pout if subpar in any way.

13 thoughts on “500 Words #24
An Audience Of One

  1. Diana Wagner

    I think people are reading but not commenting always. I enjoy your blogs but don’t always comment. I say keep on keeping in💜

    1. alanlake Post author

      a friend just suggested that if they’re not happening i look inward not externally

  2. Melissa Schwartz

    Hacen’s life story sounds powerful and I look forward to reading it in the future.

  3. Melissa G Wilson

    Alan, I love the “keep on keeping on” path. I love having the group you are part of where you are always supported. And I love Lynn’s statement that as a top promoter, she will spread your words. I’m a promoter, too, and I run our writers’ support group. We will be there for you, Alan!

    1. alanlake Post author

      Content I have. Promotion I need. Your guidance and support have meant the world to me.

  4. Mark Panick

    I believe people are fatigued with the multiplicity of life threatening situations and our awareness of same around the globe, it wears ya down. As you know our personal response in 2016 was RCC which I am peripherally very proud of. These stories are important and stir our humanity, we need that. Especially these days for Americans, as we feel the threat of fascism in our living rooms. In that desperate fear its hard to look outside ourselves, but even more crucial to who we see ourselves as that we continue to do so.

    1. alanlake Post author

      Couldn’t agree more about being worn down. That’s the intent. Barrage you w/bullshit until you turn away.

  5. Ann

    I was unaware that you were blogging until you linked on FB and the algorithm actually allowed me to see it. Now added to my Feedly.

  6. Ann

    Happy to have this in my feed. I hope you keep writing.

  7. Joanne

    Hi Alan- I too often read your posts and enjoy them! Maybe asking a question to your readers about what your write will inspire more people to comment! Happy to support you any way I can!


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