The cancer returned four years into remission.
On November 5th Donald J. Trump- traitor, sociopath, felon, rapist and racist (for starters) was reelected with the help of propaganda (both domestic and foreign) and an electorate that cares more about the price of eggs than democracy.
The best take I’ve seen on it is from The Onion in what is supposed to be a satirical observation- America defeats America.
I won’t be writing about proofreading and book covers this week because what’s on my mind is how fucked we and the world are because of the likes of him and his enablers. Russia? Go. Israel? Go. Ukraine? Gone.
Preferring laughable lies over hard truths, and gut feels with a side of control over facts, the Republicans won. Some group amnesia regarding an attempted coup orchestrated by the then president was also on the bill.
Don’t believe your lying eyes!
Pointing fingers and finding scapegoats or turning back established law and long held human rights- a woman’s right to choose rights. Climate change is a myth and science based data they don’t agree with is “woke” and therefore data non grata. All while embracing an evangelical zeal to turn our nation “Christian” and designating anyone not caught in their rapture “the enemy within”. Which leaves this Jew with a question.
Doesn’t seem right. Right? More right of right. Right?
Facists are lterally the antithesis of Christianity but they’re all on board for the Trump 2.0 crazytrain retribution tour coming soon to a city
near you.
Knowing what we know-the most powerful man in the world will soon embark on a tour of outrageous behavior with cruelness being the point and fed by liberal tears . With all the charm of a petulant mean girl whining about how rigged/fake/unfair every thing is while winning the limbo contest daily.
You wouldn’t let your kid behave this way.
Instead we give him the nuclear codes and newly bestowed SCOTUS kill powers. Buckle up political opponents, journalists, late night television comedians (hopefully not blog writers) a purge or five seems likely. Then there’s the televised military tribunals we’ve been promised.
Our generals warned us and were ignored. Our allies are frightened as well. They smell the rot on the side of the road to ruin because it ran through their countries not that long ago. They see it coming and are incredulous we didn’t, or worse, did and don’t care.
Who will share classified intel with someone who brags about it at a dinner party, or brings it home and stores next to his shitter? Who’s crimes will be dismissed and accountability thrown out the window because he’s president and therefore immune as determined recently by a compromised Supreme Court with a 34% approval rating.
Gotta wonder why the poor vote for tax cuts for billionaires? Or cops for a felon? Women voted for fewer rights. Seniors, to cut social security, and immigrants for deportation. Doesn’t make sense. The bubbles we live in aren’t good for knowing much about each other. With as much information available most of us have a narrow, rigid view reinforcing what we prefer to believe. Gut feelings over facts.
Bad behavior is off the charts because there’s no price to pay. Social media regurgitates propaganda while more traditional news sources struggle to fact check, or worse, don’t even. Journalists become targets when you don’t want the truth told. So remember this:
If it looks like shit, and it smells like shit, it’s shit and whoever controls the narrative wins.

Alan Lake